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Friday, September 11, 2015

REVIEW: Dead Spots by Melissa F. Olson

I snagged Dead Spots on audiobook a while back based on a past purchases and sale recommendation.  I'm always looking for a good urban fantasy series and I have to say that this certainly wasn't a disappointment but there is room for growth and improvement.

Scarlett Bernard is a pretty cool female protagonist.  As a null, she negates any sort of magic within her presence, which is kinda cool.  Her vampire roommate loves her, because Scarlett can help her age a bit at a time and even werewolves can stay in human form if she's around.  Scarlett's employed by the head vampire in L.A. to do supernatural crime scene clean up.  Her life heads into conflict when arriving late thrusts her into a grisly murder scene led by LAPD detective Jesse Cruz.

Learning of the existence of the supernatural, Cruz strikes a deal with Scarlett for her assistance; however, when it becomes clear that the motive for the crime has less to do with a vampire power struggle and more to do with Scarlett's null abilities, things get interesting.

I really enjoyed this book and think it hints at great things to come in subsequent books.  There is a doozie of a cliffhanger and I can't wait to delve into Trail of Dead to see what comes of this.  Scarlett's love life is rather complicated as well.  The love triangle developing has Scarlett making some hard choices in the future.

If I had to name one thing I didn't like, I would choose the switching of perspective.  At least on audio, going from Scarlett's first person account to third person was a bit jarring.  I haven't seen a print copy to see how this is dealt with but I imagine there are page breaks.  All in all, this is a strong series debut and I want more.

Final rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

#deadspots #melissafolson #scarlettbernard #UF #supernatural #review

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