The Aeronaut's Windlass is the much anticipated Cinder Spires series debut from Jim Butcher. The genre is a bit difficult to pen down. There are reader accessible elements of steampunk; however, at its core, this novel is an action/adventure fantasy novel focused on a building war between two Spires Albion and Aurora as well as the motley crew assembled to gain intelligence for the Spirearch of Albion.
Butcher artfully introduces a fantastic cast of characters. Captain Grimm reminds me of a well crafted blend between Mal Reynolds of Firefly fame, a little bit of Once Upon a Time's Hook, and maybe a dash of Harry Dresden. He's intriguing with his status as an outcast but former respected military hero. I can't wait to find out more of his story.

Let's talk for a minute about Rawl! He is fantastic. If ever a writer could spin a fantasy warrior cat its Butcher. Rawl is just how I'd imagine a cat would think and speak. He has a sly sense of humor and is altogether puzzled by the often complicated and frivolous actions of humans. Rawl is formidable but I adore that he loves Bridget so fiercely that he allows himself to be cuddled and will literally face tremendous danger to ensure her safety.
Overall, I loved everything about this book. The monsters are creepy and there is a delicious slow burn to the villains we've seen thus far. This definitely reads like the first in a much larger conversation. I know they'll be more twists and turns based upon what we've learned in this tale and I can't wait for more!
Final rating: 5 out of 5 stars
#steampunk #adventure #fantasy #jimbutcher #cinderspires #aeronautswindlass #bookreview #firefly
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