Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a review!
Expected publication: November 3, 2015
Reap the Wind is the seventh installment to Karen Chance's Cassie Palmer series. One would think being the all powerful Pythia would make Cassie Palmer's life a walk in the park. However, it is far from it. Picking up where Tempt the Stars left off, Cassie's troubles keep escalating: 1) EVERYONE seems out to get her 2) she just can't get a handle on her powers 3) war is coming between just about all the supernaturals readers can imagine 4) Pritkin (Cassie's war mage, fey, incubus mentor aka used to be Merlin!) has been hexed and is lost in time and 5) her Court has been blown up, displaced and has infiltrated her all too small suite in Las Vegas. Oh, and her love life is a disaster too!

What I liked...
I adore Cassie--I have ever since I found the series way back in 2006 when Touch the Dark was published. I love that Cassie isn't perfect and that despite having all this power she is pretty much bumbling her way through her crazy life. I love her snark and attitude. She's really growing as a character and learning from her mistakes. I appreciated her anger during later parts of the novel and her realization that she's being manipulated by multiple parties who might respect her power as Pythia but not her as a person. I can't wait to see how her character evolves because of these revelations. This series thrives too because of its secondary characters. I'm a Pritkin shipper and this extended series of trials and tribulations for him has me on edge. I'm less a Mircea fan but we'll see what happens in the next book. I want to see what happens with more of the characters, especially Rhea.
Another bonus for me is Chance's great action scenes. There are plenty to choose from and they never disappoint. I also love how she builds these with Cassie's ability to shift time and places. The boat chase in the beginning was exciting as was the pretty epic fey battle with Pritkin.
What I didn't like...
The book felt a bit too long and at times disjointed. I suppose this mimics how Cassie must feel with all her false starts to try and save Pritkin. However, just when she gets to the time period where she needs to be, she's back in the present and seemingly dealing with some kind of unrelated issue. Looking back, these events do fit but the flow felt off somehow. I usually breeze through these books but it took me time to finish it because of the pacing. I still loved it but not as much. It did feel like an inbetween novel setting up for something bigger. I look forward to Ride the Storm in 2016.
Final rating 4 out of 5 stars
#cassiepalmer #reapthewind #karenchance #UF #netgalley #review #magic
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