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Sunday, November 15, 2015

REVIEW: Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born of Defiance is a compelling prequel to Kenyon's bestselling League series. Talyn Batur, born an outcast, without the proper family lineage--after all an Andarian without a father is a label no one wants--his many professional accomplishments go unnoticed and he is constantly ridiculed and sabotaged by a commander hell bent to destroy Talyn bit by bit.  Given his station, his only hope for romantic intimacy in any fashion is to contract a paid companion.  

Determined to be a doctor, Felicia's only hope of paying for medical school is to enter into the contractual obligation of a paid companion.  She never planned to like Talyn, much less fall in love with him.  When her own troubled family woes entangle Tayln in a plot to overthrow the Andarian crown, he has to make some hard choices concerning his feelings of loyalty, justice and doing what is right.

Believe me, any fan of Kenyon's knows that the plot is much more intricate than my brief summary can surmise.  Needless to say, the events of this book shed light on key events in the series. Furthermore, Talyn Batur is Fain's son and Dancer's nephew. The implications for Born of Betrayal are significant considering that this is Fain's story.  Readers will have to see how this all works out.  It will be lengthy and painful but worthwhile.  Kenyon's tortured warriors usually get a happy ending in time. 

Final rating: 3 out of 5 stars

#league #sherrilynkenyon #bornofdefiance #futuristic #romance #sciencefiction

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